Our plans for 2014……want to be involved?

Happy New Year to you. We hope you’ve had a good festive period and are raring to go with your latest creative idea and ways to help manage a mental health condition or to help tackle mental health stigma. We are. Here’s what we’ve got planned for 2014, as we continue our development…. We’ve received…

As the clocks go back….we move forward

It’s been a great month for Making Minds. October saw us involved in five events, including four around World Mental Health Day. We met some great people, had some wonderful experiences and made some new contacts that we could potentially develop new ideas with. We started at the RCT World Mental Health Day event, at…

What a difference a year makes

A year ago, Making Minds was just a series of scribbled notes on various sheets of paper. A string of meetings with community arts organisations, mental health organisations, business support organisations, artists and other interested individuals, we’re now a constituted group, with a clear set of aims, some good working relationships and a network of…

Making Minds talks to…. Sammie Roberts

In the first of a new series of blog posts for Making Minds, Cardiff artist Sammie Roberts talks to us about her art, experience of mental ill health and her sources of inspiration. Sammie is about to graduate from the Cardiff School of Art & Design, where she studied illustration. Sammie, can you tell us…

Volunteers needed for events and developmental work

Hi. Some of this may seem familiar, as it’s featured in previous blog posts, but I think it’s good to not only issue it as a reminder, but as a call out to those who have already expressed an interest in Making Minds and those that we’ve met since the April volunteers meeting, to actually…

Guest post – Mischief Managed: ‘My Story’

It’s great to hear from other mental health bloggers and ‘Mischief Managed‘ got in touch with us on Twitter, with details of a post that tells her story of mental illness and her relationship with writing, that comes in various forms. If you’d like to provide a post for the Making Minds blog, just comment…